Thursday 6 September 2012

everything changed :)

Hey hey happy Maddy is back :D Thanks tp my host mum and to my guidance counsellor I fnally made it out of these terrible courses! I went to Communication instead of English which was a lot easier, maybe a bit to easy I thought but as I talked about it with my counsellor she said I can just work on my English and next Term I will make it to English 11 the heavy one :) So thats good because then I don't get to stressed about school the first months!

Then I had Biology which was kinda difficult but I need the challenge! After that we had an Essambly for grade 11 where they told us about respect and stuff.

Tourism Class was pretty cool we just watched a movie about the great Canada :)

Yeeeah and then, the field hockey teacher came and apologized for yesterday and I can join the team now *-* We (another German Student and me) already made our mouth guards, which look like my braces :D And theeeen, there was this nice Canadian Girl, who is in the Choir and she remebered that I wanted to join it! So she asked me to hang out and she showed me the room and I signed me in for that :D Do you know what's really cool? They will go on a trip to Edmonton, Alberta :D

Soo everything turned out good! And tomorrow I will see if I got the cooking and marine biology class or visual arts :)

After school I went to Tim Hortons with a Mexican friend of mine. Unfortunately, we walked :D it was reaaally long, actually in Comox! That was pretty exhausting!! :)

In the evening I had like 2 hours homework -.- what was pretty hard just biology!! :o

Okaay that should be done for today! I'm totally tired and unfortunately, I'm a bit sick to my stomach so I will go to bed know.

xoxo Maddy

1 comment:

  1. A good host mum,she surely would not forget to buy a rainjacket for her daughter.....
