Tuesday 4 June 2013

Hospital, new crutches and gluten free cookies :)

Heey guys! Soooo there are some news today! Well let me start at the beginning! I went to school with a more or less painful foot.
So my friend Baylee felt really sorry for my limping so she was so awesome to call her father to bring me his old crutches. Thanks so much Baylee!!! :)

So i had to get used to them which was kinda weird :) but oh well!

After school Janice took me to the hospital and after a long time of waiting they did an x-ray with my foot.
We don't actually know what's wrong but it's definitely not broken which makes me quite happy :))

Afterwards I went home and because I took some painkillers I felt really weird so I went for a "walk" or better a limp down the street. The weather was so awesome so I sat down on a park bench to chill. It's reeeeeally exhausting to walk on those crutches :)

Sooo then we had some dinner and after that I made gluten free cookies with Janice. And guess what? They are aweeeesome!!! Finally found something that's really delicious :)

Then I had I go for another "walk" outside because I felt dizzy again.

Because of those stupid pills I happen to be quite awake :P for those who don't know it's around 1.30 now! Yaaap but I'm not going to school tomorrow apparently?

Hahaha and you know what I learned tonight? I learned how to knit !!! Janice told me because I probably can't sleep I should knit a bit :)) luckily she is reeeeeeally patient so thank you so much Janice :)

So I spend 2 hours practicing knitting but oh gosh it looks horrible ;) but I will get better!!

Okaaaay... So now I'm in bed and will try to somehow fall asleep even though i'm pretty awake!

Oh yeah and we are reading Shakespeare "Macbeth " in English now! O.o :)

Oh right and thanks so much for taking such good care of me Janice <3 love you!!

Xoxo maddy

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