Wednesday 19 June 2013

Day with Baylee :)

Hey guys!

Today I could sleep in the first time *_* and around noon I met Baylee at the mall. We went into the photo booth to take some pictures. :) they actually are hilarious!!!
Afterwards we walked downtown and chilled in a coffee shop for a but until her father picked us up.

We spend some time at her house and I got to meet her new puppy *_* OH MY GOSH HE IS SOOO CUTE! His name is Merlin!

We played with the dogs and chatted...
It was a reaaaally nice day I will miss Baylee A LOT!

At night I packed my suitcase to see if everything fits and I think it actually does!!! Omg I'm surprised!!! :)'s so soon now the mood is really weird... I will miss everything and especially EVERYONE so much!

And some bad news, my stomach is turning bad again and I'm nauseated all the time :/ I just wanna go to this stupid specialist cause I'm so tired of all tht shit!

Oh well tomorrow is my English exam in the morning so ill better try to get some sleep even though I feel like I will throw up again-,- and my sister is on her computer til late so the room is bright like crap!

I AM SOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVE MY OWN ROOM BACK and a dark room! And nobody skyping all night!!

Xoxo maddy

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