Sunday 16 June 2013

Awesome dance shows!!!

Hi guys !

The 2 recitals, Friday and Saturday were amazing! It was so much fun to be on stage and it was just a great experience !!!
On Friday, my host family watched me and on Saturday my friends Alonso and Vanessa which I found suuuuper nice because its always nicer if there's someone in the audience who you know ! :)

So breyanne, Kate (another ballet friend of mine) and I were chatting for hours because we were on stage in the first half and then in the end so we had 2 hours to kill in the dressing room!

And I already got some pictures of my ballet group!

So enough about dance, I hung out with Alonso and Vanessa all weekend and we had a lot of fun! They are awesome people!!!

Tomorrow , I'll have my French exam :/ and Thursday English, then I'm ready.

And today in 2 weeks I will be on the plane back HOME!!!!! Finally! *_*

Xoxo maddy

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