Thursday 20 June 2013

English exam, rainy day, danny and funny night

Heyy guys!

IT'S CRAAAAZY BUT IM DONE SCHOOL HERE!!!! Oh my god, I had my last exam, English 11 today, which was in the gym as pretty scary, there were like 10 pages and we had to write 4 in addition :oo

Afterwards I met my English and my gym teacher and they gave me a big hug and said goodbye :( it was really sad actually!!!

In the afternoon I hung out with Daniel, a friend from weight training which was really fun! :)

Then, Janice and I tried to go to yoga t night but they were closed :/ so we just made dinner, we cooked a nice Indian dish and after that we knit :))

I will miss her so much!!! >.<

Oh well I'm going to sleep now cause we are catching the ferry from nanaimo tomorrow cause for everyone that doesn't know yet WE ARE GOING TO VANCOUVER TOMORROW *_* I'm so excited! We are going to a Shakespeare play and yeah so I'll blog when we get back ;P

See ya guys xoxo maddy

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