Saturday 29 June 2013

AIRPORT :/ and an amazing paddle into the sunset *-*

Urg,'s time to say goodbye bye bye bye bye....This 10 months just seemed to have no end and now...the end is near...:(

Vanessa left today at 4 and I went to the and some other internationals just hugged each other the whole time because the realization that this awesome year is over now, made us pretty nostalgic.

So Vanessa is the cutest friend ever, SHE MADE A PHOTOALBUM for me !!!!! :O
 (I love you V and I will never forget our time together!!)  Thank you soo much!!!

My packing is already pretty much done so the excitement grows and the nervousness as well ...

The tonight we had my goodbye dinner and they bought me a super nice chocolate cake!!!! Thank you!!!

Afterwards Janice and I went for a nice paddle because it was a lovely night!!!!! And the sun was just about to set so we watched it :) sooooo nice !!!!!

Oh well, my next post will probably be around how people change throughout the year and what I learned from this experience.

xoxo MAddy


off into the sunset...

Friday 28 June 2013

Awesome Day with Emily And Brooke, Last "sleep"over with Vanessa *_*

Hi guys!
So yesterday i had a reaaally nice Day with Emily And i got To know her best friend Brooke who just came visiting from North Dakota! She was really nice so the three of us had a lot of fun!!! :)

We met at a coffee shop and had some tea. Emily had some presents for me that was sooooo cute!!!!! *_* (maple syrup, a book about the valley and a bracelet of my school!!!!!) thanks so much em you're awesome!

Then we went running around town and took some pictures...

I will miss this girl so much!!! She has been my best friend through the whole year and had made my Canada experience great. And the best thing she is coming to Germany soooo soon in just a couple of weeks!!!!

At night, I went over to Vanessa's house for a sleepover and we went for a biiiig walk like 2.5 hours!!!
Them we watched movies the whole night and we are already soooo nervous about flying so we couldn't sleep a minute!
We just stated up all night and got up around 10 to go to school and get our report cards!!! Then we got to say goodbye to Adriana, linn, Anna, kirsten and some teachers!!! :( so sad!!!

Afterwards we went to Starbucks with Alonso and tool the bus to the mall, to take another bus to royston.

We spent the afternoon talking about our flight anxiety and we freaked ...

I am just so nervous about flying its terrible!!!! :/

If anybody has some advice how to get rid of that I'm happy to hear it !!

Tomorrow is my last day.... Weird ey?

Oh well almost the last time: xoxo maddy

Thursday 27 June 2013

Great days with Baylee and Brayden! *_*

Hi everyone!

On Sunday, after sleeping in, I met my weight training friend Brayden downtown and we hung out for a couple of hours. It was really fun he is hilarious!!! :D We went to Dairy Queen for some Ice cream and chatted forever :)
Then,yesterday, I had an awesome day with my friend Baylee! I picked her up in Comox around 11.30 and we went to the MArina, remember she has a sailing boat, so we took pictures there. Our little shoot expended though because we had the idea to go on the pier and then some places else :)
It was sooo much fun!! After some hours we got tired so we went downtown for a Frozen Yogurt and met a friend from creative writing in that cafe :D

After resting a bit we went to the mall and looked around and then Baylees mom picked us up because we were kinda tired!! So we sat down in her basement and watched a couple of episodes of" Once upon a time"- OMG this show is so awesome i love it!!! Highly recommended guys! Spooky funny and mysterious!! A little cheesy, too but i love it :)

xoxo maddy

Tuesday 25 June 2013

International day and zumbaaa :)

Hey guys!

Today I hung out with a few internationals! We went downtown and shopped a bit... In the afternoon Vanessa and I worked out at the rec center and afterwards we did Zumba and I met my ballet friend breyanne :) it was so much fun and I sadly my last time doing Zumba here in Canada :(

Oh well tomorrow ill hang out with Danny and maybe Kirsten :) so good night


Sunday 23 June 2013

Awesome days in Vancouver, Shakespeare and another perspective :)

Hey guys I'm back from the big city :)

We left on Friday morning to catch the ferry from nanaimo and we were in van after some complications ) the car not fitting on the ferry and Janice Pau and I just walking on ! :) so we three were there around noon, ken came 2 hours later!

Because we three didn't have a car we took the city bus which was a quite interesting ride :) there were a loooot of weird people on the bus and there was a skateboard protest so it took us an hour to get downtown!!! >.<

We had some lunch and just walked a bit until ken picked us up and went to the nail salon with us ;D well he just dropped us off there so that we could get a nice pedicure :) awesome!!

After that we went to the hotel and had our showers to get ready for the Shakespeare play.
But first, we had dinner in a reaaaally nice restaurant , Italian kitchen, with view over te city ! Great!!! :)

I had some gluten free pasta ;)
And theeeen we got a driver(!!!!!!) and he drove us over to bard on the beach to see the play twelfth night :)

It was a reeeally funny play we all really enjoyed it! And I understood a lot which made me quite happy :D I mean its Shakespeare !!!!!

-----super cool fact: we had a rainshower in the hotel omg that was awesome!!!-----

So Saturday morning we rent bikes And had a small tour to Granville island, where we bought some cherries and sat down to watch the people. The atmosphere was amazing! I love it there!!!!
Then we rode a little along English bay and found an oikos car that gave yogurt out for free so we got one :))

Afterwards, they dropped Pau and me off at the aquarium to meet my fiend Baylee who happened to be in van too!!!! *_* I love her she's great :)
The aquarium is really great and the beast thing was we watched the beluga whale show! They are soooo cute *_* :)

We took the ferry at 5.20 and were home at night :)

We had a great little trip thank you!!!!

Xoxo maddy

there was a dragon boat festival

the otter was sooo adorable!!