Friday 19 October 2012

Rainy days

Hey guys sorry that i didn't write the last days but it was just like every other day so I thought okay maybe I'll wait til something happens! But now some people were asking if something's wrong with me so here I am and I'm totally fine :)

It's reaally getting fall and we have kind of an Indian summer here that's pretty cool! So the leaves turned red and orange and i don't know why but I really enjoy it! It's also getting cold and rainy but I like it :D call me crazy but it's kinda comfy inside! The best thing is that we have a fire place in the other living room and the fire is on when I return from school and the first thing I do is sit by the fireplace to warm up and dry! :)


So yah...on Tuesday I had a big field hockey practice after school that was pretty neat! And we were so lucky with the weather it was not raining, believe it or not :) after that I went to Judy's and we danced to gangnam style and stuff cause we are stupid :) we made us some French fries for dinner and chilled a bit! Cause the cool thing is we had the house for us, her parents are in Disneyland! 
On Wednesday I had ballet and it was awesome! I really LOVE it! :) 

Well, today we had choir practice after school and in the lunch break because we'll have our first show in 2 weeks!! And we already picked up a uniform! *-* with a tie even for girls!! Haha that's pretty sweet! Besides, we could pick up our ordered school cloths and the sweatpants is faaaaar too big!! :) but I will keep it anyways cause the is isfeld on my bum :D and the sweater is also big but good for chilling at home! I will upload some pics tomorrow! 

Oh I almost forgot we have a free day tomorrow , it's called pro d day! But the internationals will go on a shopping trip to nanaimo *-* I'm so excited! And in the evening malin, Judy and I will have a sleepover at judys house cause as I said we have the house ;) I'm so looking forward to it. 

The coolest thing just happened: my mum came into my room and asked if I can give her a hand with some boxes of clothing and I of course helped her, an then she told me just like that that she has something like an own collection of sports clothing and leggings and stuff like that! Pretty neat hey? So she told me and kierra to help ourselves, she would sell the rest! So we picked some cute things!! *-* really nice stuff! 

Yes and I wanted to maybe tell you a few things outa my mind a small review cause i'm here for 2 months now! Well, that's pretty weird but I already feel different! Besides, my English has improved a lot like that's my opinion :) at least I DO think in English and sometimes dream in english! My English teacher already told me that he likes my assignments and my effort! And we already wrote 3 bio tests and I did pretty well:) but my favorite class is definitely family studies cause I'm so interested in like psychology and stuff and it's just so cool and the teacher is so nice she really cares about the students! 
So the school is pretty amazing everybody likes to be there! To be honest, at first I was very unhappy here because the students kinda ignored the exchange students... But it's getting better and better the more you get involved in everything like choir, field hockey and stuff :) 
Besides, i'm just in the stage of slowly finding out about myself, who I am.. That may sound pretty weird to you but it's true! I have a lot of time to think about things and sometimes I just go out and walk through this beautiful neighborhood thinking about how lucky I am to have this incredible opportunity, that's why I want to say A BIG THANK YOU TO MY DAD WHO GAVE THIS TO ME! I really appreciate it!! 

Well, and the air is so incredibly fresh you can't imagine! I thought okay Germany has pretty fresh air without smog but you haven't experienced this! You can really smell the freshness!! 
Another thing is that I'm trying a lotta new stuff like I'm often drawing and I soawed my bag!! :I I thought I'm the worst in that but actually I'm not! 
And you can really fell the language improvement like fr example I'm just listening to a German story on my iPod "mieses karma" and I'm pretty much concentrating on it and by the way I blog... At the beginning I had to think about what to write and now it's just flowing! :D
Or today in bio we took notes and had to listen to the teacher at the same time and I managed it!! And the teacher even asked me if it was okay for me and I said yes and Ryan, my new bio mate
(I'm teaching him German cause he will go to Germany for one year next summer and he wants to visit me!! ) said oh you are awesome :) that feels good to gear that :) 

The Canadians all like Europe by the way and they love Germany :) 

Okay I will try to te some sleep it's almost half past twelve! :)
And I will fall asleep with the sound of the rain knocking on my window :D it's kinda relieving :D

Good night <3 xoxo maddy

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