Monday 22 October 2012

nice work out with Malin :)

School was pretty lame today, not really exciting. But the landcape changed over night it looks like a winter paradise..! Well not here in the valley but on the mountains you can see the snow and it looks incredible! I will take a few pics the next days but it looks amaaazing! *-*
After school I took my bike and Judy, Malin and i went to Value Village to look for something for the upcoming Halloween dance on wednesday! And we found masks :D

So all of us will wear like a black dress and this mask :D and we will do our hair and yeah...look gorgeous ;)
Now I'm really excited for it!!

After that, Malin and I went to the recreation center and did an hour of workout like running, cycling etc :) Feels reeally good!!

Then, we went to tim hortons for a hot chocolate and the funniest thing happened! Malin wanted to go to the Bank to get some money and we were like next to the entrance.  this machine looked a bit strange, but we didn't care at all...suddenly, a car came towards us and we realized that it was a DRIVE THROUGH  money machine and Malin and I were standing there with our BIKES :D

It was so awkward cause it took some time to get the money and the car driver was looking at us so strangely :D hahaha Malin it was soo funny!! :'D

Well, in the evening I had a whole bunch of biology to do cause like every week we are writing another test -.-

And now I'm sooo tired! Good night xoxo

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