Wednesday 31 October 2012


Oh my gosh today was freeeaky :D First, almost EVERYONE in school was dressed up soo fancy, like for example there was one boy on a small bike, he looked exactly like the creature in saw :D Or there was an M&M and a Cookie, the ring, the one from ghost busters, and and and :D
It was so crazy! And then we had a biiig Assembly, a Halloween parade, where everyone could show their costumes. It was in the Gym and it was huuuge :)
Judy and I just drew ourselves a cat face :) that was pretty boring though but we just didn't had a costum :S

Anyways, I went over to Judys house after school and then, we drove to a friends house with Kyla and Andrew, her little sister and brother and went around the neighboorhood trick or treating :)
And we were amazed!!! There were a whooole bunch of people with kids going around, the streets were almost full of people! Crooowds!! *-*

The coolest thing were the houses!! You just can't imagine, when you're from Germany, it was awesome!! You just can't describe it you have to look at the pictures :)
There even were REAL people in one garden, dressed up like Zombies, to scare the children!! :'D
I was soo scared! And they used effects like a lot of fog machines and sounds and stuff!!

The pictures of the school halloween thing will be here later cause a friend of mine took them :)

Kyla and me :D


these are the real zombies :D

lot of people hey?

So yeah...that was our Halloween, it'S so huge compared to Germany!! :D

Tuesday 30 October 2012

New sister

Well the day was pretty unspectacular...I had field hockey practise after school what was kinda annoying cause it started to rain and yeah....that wasn't that much fun!
Anyways, after practise I went over to Judys house for maybe half an hour, and then my host mum picked me up for dinner...
So the title says I have a new host sister. Her name is Paulina and she is from Mexico.
She seems like a nice girl, even though I don't know her.
We'll see!

Tomorrow's Halloweeeen *-*

See you! xoxo Maddy

Monday 29 October 2012

Concert :)

Today, we had a concert with my choir in a nearby Middle School. But not just our choir performed, so did 2 elementary choirs and the Vanier- and Highland choir ( 2 highschools). So there were a lot of singers and songs, we sang two all was awesome!!! :D

Our Isfeld choir sang Halleluja *-*, Kanakameme and the two group songs :D

It was fun!
Kierra *-*

Vanier Choir

Last practise, our coach in the middle :D

Can you find Malin? She's in Vanier choir! ;D

Sunday 28 October 2012

decorating for Halloween

Sooo today was a pretty boring sunday...Lori decorated the outside with Halloween stuff, looks really creepy, and in the evening I met Judy and Malin in Downtown... And we have two things which talk!! I will upload o video the next days ;D

Well, tomorrow is my first choir performance :) I'm excited!

This one talks!!! :D
This one opens :D

Kierra in her cute costume :D

Saturday 27 October 2012

Zombi walk and siiiinging in the rain :)

This day was totally awesome! Or the evening :)
In the afternoon, we went to Downtown( Lori, Kierra, Sidney and me) to see the Zombie Walk!! It takes place on 5th street every year for halloween, so a lot of people are dressing up like Zombies, its kinda like a parade :) And Kierra and I were so scared! One of the Zombies shocked me so much that I was screaming :D Awkwaaaard!

So in the evening, Kierra and watched easy A, my favorite movie and then, it was MUSICAL TIME :D
I'm siiiiinging in the rain ....:)  With my Biology Friend Ryan as the main Character! Well, the musical was in the Sid Williams Theater in Downtown....
So well, the whole Musical was really good but Ryan was awesome!!! Honestly, he can sing, dance AND act! I'm fascinated!

Spookiest thing, today was a small earthquake and there should be an "after quake" this night!! ANd we have a Tsunamie warning for the next days :O

Save me God good night xoxo Maddy
Thats Ryaaan :D and the girl in the back dances the Ballet with me!



So guys I don't really know how to write this!!
 Tonight was totally crazy! We've been to a freakin Canadian Party and it got totally outta control, it was a bit like project x!! :D First, there should be like 30 people, finally there were 150 ish!! :O But the funniest thing is the parents were there!! And people smoked like weed and drank so badly and they were just saying : All people who aren't on the list get your ass out of here!!! :D oh gosh, and when we first got there at 9.30, the father didn't let us and some others in, but we (JUdy,Malin and me) we were on the guest list! And then after some minutes we went in there and it was full of people!! And I knew a lot of them from my classes!!

So we were there and it was soo full and loud and stuff!! Oh god it was awesome!!
Then, suddenly, Judys Mum came in :O and took us out there and my host mum was also out there waiting for us! Because her Mum is a cop, she said, that the other cops will be there in some minutes so we left!! :) Yeeees...

Then, we just went to my house and watched a movie! It was really too bad cause some people were actually really nice and they were interested in us and talked to us...but well maybe we had just bad luck this time!, we are having a sleepover :)

School clothing :D



Wednesday 24 October 2012

Halloween Dance *-*

Today was awesome!!! :D well, school was pretty bad cause I had my Biology test and I just couldn't really concentrate!! I don't know why but that wasn't that good!! :)
Anyways, after school I went home and Judy and I rode over to Malins house to get dressed :D
We all had like black dresses and this butterfly mask; it looked gorgeous!!! :)
So yeah...then, Celina came over and we all walked up to Lake trail school, the dance took place in their gym by the way ;) The music was awesome, everone was dancing and guess what? I danced the Salsa and Bachata with a Mexican girl *-* AMAZING!!!
Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera cause I didn't want it to get stolen so we took pictures with Malins Cellphone, so the pics will come later :D

I'm totally exhausted now cause we really danced with NO breaks :)

So pictures tomorrow good night guys ;*

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Zumbaaa ;D

Today, Judy and I went to Zumba :) It was awesome! It'S really fun but I'm sorry not to write more but I have to study for my biology test tomorrow :(
Tomorrow is the international Halloween party/ dance so I will write more ;))
See ya :*

Monday 22 October 2012

nice work out with Malin :)

School was pretty lame today, not really exciting. But the landcape changed over night it looks like a winter paradise..! Well not here in the valley but on the mountains you can see the snow and it looks incredible! I will take a few pics the next days but it looks amaaazing! *-*
After school I took my bike and Judy, Malin and i went to Value Village to look for something for the upcoming Halloween dance on wednesday! And we found masks :D

So all of us will wear like a black dress and this mask :D and we will do our hair and yeah...look gorgeous ;)
Now I'm really excited for it!!

After that, Malin and I went to the recreation center and did an hour of workout like running, cycling etc :) Feels reeally good!!

Then, we went to tim hortons for a hot chocolate and the funniest thing happened! Malin wanted to go to the Bank to get some money and we were like next to the entrance.  this machine looked a bit strange, but we didn't care at all...suddenly, a car came towards us and we realized that it was a DRIVE THROUGH  money machine and Malin and I were standing there with our BIKES :D

It was so awkward cause it took some time to get the money and the car driver was looking at us so strangely :D hahaha Malin it was soo funny!! :'D

Well, in the evening I had a whole bunch of biology to do cause like every week we are writing another test -.-

And now I'm sooo tired! Good night xoxo

Sunday 21 October 2012

Chilling through the "sun"day

Haha totay was an exhausting day!!! I slept in and skyped with my dad for like 1 1/2 hours and stayed in bed for the day, doing homework,listening to music etc....:) so a very successful day *cough* !
Aaaand I chatted with Malin like the WHOLE day on facebook, because she was in exactly the same situation :) Love ya! <3

Well and it's raining again! But we had a great weekend and nice weather then I'm thankful for that! :)

Yeeah...and I wanted to give you a link to another blog of my friend who's in Seattle:

And i looked our promo up on youtube for those who are interested!

This is the video, of our internationals can you find me?? :D

( 0.52 my english teacher! he is awesome!)

Have fun ;D

Sooo...Loris Boyfriend John will come tonight for dinner I'm excited I really like him :D

Byeee Guys xoxo

Saturday 20 October 2012

shopping, sleepover and horror movies

I actually had an amazing weekend! :) Like I told you already we had a shopping trip on Friday with the internationals... it was pretty cool and I bought some warm stuff, but the last two days were reeally nice with sun and blue sky!! But pretty cold though! :/
Anyways, we had like 4 hours in the mall and Malin, Judy and I went in every single shop ;)) I didn't buy much though just some warm stuff! And we a super big frozen yogurt *mmhhh*, it was SO good!! :D And some fries!! Delicious! :)

 In the afternoon, I went home and helped my mom doing like small snack things for her church-women-circle :)) Yeah...after dinner, I took the bike and rode up to Judies house, where Malin and her were already waiting for me, so the "SLEEP"over could start. We did some things like singing (:'D), chatting, and the funniest thing TRYING to make popcorn *cough*, actually thats a pretty funny story...
well, we were out of microwave popcorn so we had to use the cooker and a pan to pop it...and the description said, use OIL, so smart Maddy suggested to actually use oil but nooo the others wanted butter instead :D so blah  blah suddenly it smelled burned, the pan was all black and the popcorn ruined :/ first try: fail!!!
So next try, we tried just sugar with corn, fail again, sugar turned into caramel, caramel burned, NEXT pan ruined, all black :'D
Every third try should work right? haha nope, not this time :)) This time we just put the naked corns into it, it burned again :O
NEXT try, I suggested AGAIN why don't we just follow the instructions and use oil? We did and it....
....worked! *-* Smart Maddy, hey? ;D Then we finally had popcorn!Good story right?

 Whatever, in the night, we watched a super scary horror movie called "roommate". Oh my gosh? It was SO creepy!

And now, guess when Judy and I got up this morning? At 6.25 am!! Yes we just slept like for 4 hours ish! Why? To watch the soccer game Hanover 96 versus Frankfurt ( her fav. team against mine!!)  Unfortunately, we lost :(

After that, we woke Malin up and then, we went to Downtown by bike, cause we wanted to go to some shops for postcards and stuff...and guess what? I found a warm winter jacket ( Billabong!) for 20 Dollars in a second hand shop! *-* Crazy hey? I mean, it's like new and it's really warm!! ( are ya proud of me Dad?)

In the afternoon I had to do some homework :s...
But in the evening, we met again in a pretty cafe in Downtown and had a hot chocolate. Then, Joel picked us up (with a car! :D) and we drove to the movie Theatre to watch Paranormal Activity 4 with some canadians (finally :D). There were like one girl and 3 boys from my school, they are in Joels clique...This movie was SO scary all people were screaming and stuff :D Cool experience!