Tuesday 26 March 2013

egg painting, sleepover and spring weather :)

Hey guys!

We finally reached spring!!! The last days were super warm and the sun is shining 24,7! :D

Friday, I made GERMAN PRETZLES with Janice!They were just soooooo good!! Then, Nessa and I hung out with some internationals, and at night, we went to go egg painting with my host family. It was like a ukranian tradition. Vanessa and I just painted one egg cause we were really tired!! So we mostly talked and yeeah chilled :D

Afterwards, at home, we watched prettz little liars and had a lot of fun when we went outside at like 1 at night :D We met a friend and hung out til 3. Then we went home and to bed :)

The next morning we were suuuuuper tired! Because the weather was soo awesome, we went to the beach and chilled there. We bought some ice cream and ginger ale and enjoyed the sun!

Later the day, I walked Vanessa to the bus stop and then I went for a biiiiig run, like 1 hour! On the beach :D It was super nice!!

At night, Janice and I made chocolate chip cookies! mhhhhh delicious!
The rest of the night, I spend snapchatting people :D I knooooow, but it is spring break sooo its fine :D

This morning, I went for a run, and then biked to the horse, cause tamara asked me to come to ride, but she wasnt there ....Too bad!!
So I just packed my suitcase and tomorrow, very early, I will take the bus to Victoria and then the ferry to seattle!!!! WUHUUUU I AM JUST SOOO EXCITED! Svenja Im coming!!!!! :D

So good bye guys I will blog later :P

Oh aaaand I forgot to say, I skyped with Judy aaaaaand she had a surprise for me, cause
xoxo MAddy


Luiiiisa and judy


found a cat

hahaha do we look bored? :D


tim hortons, roll up the rim.D

maddy the baker

voila biaaatch :D

creepers at night :D

hahaha i call it art okay:D



ryan and the kids :D

packing for seattle

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