Thursday 20 December 2012

Disections, pj day and last days of school :)

Heey Guys,
well, not many things happened the last days, yesterday, Marcel and Bruno came to Pau and my house and we hung out...and today, Emily and I had to disect a squid and a worm :/
And yeeeeees the candians are soooo weird, they actually COOKED the syuid after we opened it up and desected it >.< sooooo disguisting i can tell :D
At the end Emily and I just played with the squid, like cut the head up and destroyed the eyes :)
So for all German people in my class, who know how much trouble I had with disecting the pig heart and the eye, I'M OVER IT :'D

I made some pics for those who don't believe me ;D

And today was pajama day, so every body had their pjs on!! Crazeeeey ;)

Pjs :)

mhhh yummy :D

Bruno made this ginger bread house for me :D
xoxo Maddy

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