Sunday 2 December 2012

1st Advent, emotional church service and big news :)

Hello again!

Well, today was the most emotional day here in Canada, I can tell!
We went to church at 9 today for a christmas breakfast...and because it's the first advent today, we all decoradet the big tree in the church. Every family had to bring an ornament and say, why they chose this one...

Yeah and Lori chose a map, because they had big news for us today...they will move to Egypt in August!!! :O Lori already has a job there and a house! I didn't really now if I was happy about it or not...Well, the good thing is, it'S just a 4 hour flight from Germany, so I could visit them!

Anyways, Lori talked in front of the church and told about the news! And what she said was so emotional, we all had to cry! I don't know if you know about it but Kierras father recently passed away, so it is a really tough year for them!
Lori also mentioned me, by saying, that I am their 2nd daughter and that I'm a blessing for the family...that was so nice to hear! After that, Kierra told me that she introduces me as her real sister in front of everyone...I think this day was a very special one for our family!

After church I walked the dogs and met Malin,we rode our bikes for a bit cause the wheather was kind of sunny, but later on it started to rain AGAIN!

Unfortunately, Kierra and I both caught a cold, so we're on medicin right now!

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