Monday 25 February 2013

day at Emilys, festival and monday workout :)

Heey :)

As I already told you, I hung out with Emily on sunday. She has this extremely sweet new kitten and we played with it and cuddled :D Then we made pancakes and watched MISFITS, our super addictive tv show :) It was a really nice day except that my stupid cat allergy went trough, A LOT!

But anyways, after that I went to my mum, because she worked at festival, and I watched some performances with her. Then we got reeeeallz tired all of the sudden and we went home.
I really love her she is a great mum!!

Emily and Mia *-*

Sunday 24 February 2013

Good bye party ( veeeery delayed :))

Hahahaha I am hilarious I know but I totally forgot to blog some pictures of my good bye party back in good ole germany , so sorry for that :D


Saturday 23 February 2013

exhausting and eventful week :)

hi guys, I just figured out that i wont be able to blog during the week, cause it's just, since I'm in the new family, I don't really find the time anymore i'm sorry about that! :) But I'll try sometimes it's working fine! Just so you know, I'm doing reaaaally good in the new family they are awesome people! :)
I'm finally really happy and the family is perfect :)

Sooo my week was really eventful! I had some extremely hard and exhausting weight training work outs!! Especially friday, I am sooooo sore today, I can barely move! Cause friday was a super sunny day we went outside and had some stations like push ups, sit ups, skipping, etc! puuuuh hard!!!

Then, I had to write a spoken word poem in writing class, and I was totally stressed out cause my vocabulary isn't that good!! So I did one with Rowan, a girl from my class together and we rocked :D we mixed some german verses and english ones and the performance friday was awesome :)

I went Downtown with Vanessa, Linn and Pau some days after school and we just chilled at a cafe til we got a ride home.
On friday, Vanessa and I hung out at her house after school; the sun was up and the weather was awesome so we went for a walk :)
Later the day, Adriana joined us and was a fun day! :)

I finally figured my spring break trip to SEATTLE out though!! I'm sooo excited!
Just one month left!!!

Today then, I hung out with Taylor, a friend of mine. We went to the comox harbour and just watched movies. Tomorrow, Alex is leaving to University again, so we had a family dinner tonight :)

Yeeeeah...tomorrow, I'll go to Emilys!

Aaaaaaand, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND LEA! sweet 16 baby! I miss you <3

xoxo MAddy

SEATTLE countdown


my brothers :)

Saturday 16 February 2013

New host brother, long weekend and beautiful day at the beach :D

Heey guys,
Well, I had a really exhausting week at school, so I didn't have time for blogging at all! It's reaaally going great in the new family we have a lot of fun together! :)

I had weight training and my muscles are kinda sore now! Just as a warning for you guys when I come back I will look like a body builder :P
I went to Ballet wednesday which was really good, I went downtown two days during the week and yeah...
Then, on friday, Alex ( my older host brother) came home from University in Kelowna...he's a reeeaally funny guy! :D Today, Vanessa came over and we went to the beach and took some great pics! hahaha suddenly it started to rain and we were just like foto shooting in the rain :)
It was soo much fun!


haha yeh I am crazy :D

Ballet ballet everywhere



xoxo Maddy