Wednesday 29 August 2012

first real canadian day *-*

This day was amazing!! After ,you know, getting up so early I luckily fall asleep again and woke up at about 6.30. Yeah, I'm still jetlaged! :) then I wrote a few e-mails and got up. Kierra, Mandy and I had some delicious yoghurt and watched tv while eating it ( a dance show called "dance moms").

Then, my host mum took us to school where we had an orientation and lunch. I can tell the people are so friendly here!! I feel really secured because they would always help me! Well, the orientation took place at Lake trail middle school, so we had to get to mark isfeld secondary school after lunch, because they wanted to give us some directions where we find the different rooms.
Wow! This school lookes really strange blue from outside but it's amazing from the inside!
Especially the gym! *-*

After that we had an Essement, like a test. Because they need to check out our language. So we had to do a listening excercise and a writing and reading comprehension about global warming.
I got to know two stundents from Brazil and one nice guy from Mexiko. They are all very friendly people!
Then, Kierra picked us up by bike and we walked home. We watched some tv and then, her mother picked us up because Kierra needed some new dance shoes (she dances 4 different thingd like tap,ballet,ukraine and jazz.)
You know what I was really excited about? They have a big dance school in the close neigbourhood and Kierra wrote a mail to the boss asking him if I could join the ballet group!! :)

Anyway, we went out with the dog again and had some pasta and a cupcake *-*
I spend the entire evening with Kierra! we had so much fun!!! And I already learned a lot from her like for example counting to ten in Korean, japanese, ukrainese(?)..yeah and she taught me how to box :D and we stretched together!! She is an amazing girl!

Yeeah...and in the night, suddenly, a deer was standig right in front of our house at the street!! :o

Lockers *-*

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