Thursday 30 August 2012

Mount Washington :)

hey guuys :)

today we had to get up early cause all the internationals should meet at "Ricky's" at 8 o'clock.
We waited for the yellow school bus to take us up to strathcona provincial park and paradise meadows. It was really amazing up there especially the view! You could see the ocean while hiking up mount washington.

Luckily, we didn't had to climb all the way because they had seatlifts *thanks gosh!* :D
Thats a funny story cause, you know, I'm pretty feared of hights and of course the lifts were veeery high! But I got to know a very kind Mexican boy and he took care of me :D
Then, suddenly it got extremely foggy and it began to rain! :O
Everyone got SO wet and we were freezing terribly! Unfortunately, we had to stay for about 2 or 3 hours on the mountain but inside a cafe. I'm sure I'll get a cold I can feel it!

But anyway I had lot of fun! We returned to Courtenay at 4. It was pretty good weather! I directly took off my wet things and spend some time with Kierra watching "wild hogs". :D
Then we had some pasta salat (delicious!) and I had some fun with Kierra again!!

Well, I'm very excited about tomorrow because my mom will take us to hot yoga *-*
Thats yoga in a very hot room!! (cool right?).

Love ya! :*


xoxox Maddy

Wednesday 29 August 2012

first real canadian day *-*

This day was amazing!! After ,you know, getting up so early I luckily fall asleep again and woke up at about 6.30. Yeah, I'm still jetlaged! :) then I wrote a few e-mails and got up. Kierra, Mandy and I had some delicious yoghurt and watched tv while eating it ( a dance show called "dance moms").

Then, my host mum took us to school where we had an orientation and lunch. I can tell the people are so friendly here!! I feel really secured because they would always help me! Well, the orientation took place at Lake trail middle school, so we had to get to mark isfeld secondary school after lunch, because they wanted to give us some directions where we find the different rooms.
Wow! This school lookes really strange blue from outside but it's amazing from the inside!
Especially the gym! *-*

After that we had an Essement, like a test. Because they need to check out our language. So we had to do a listening excercise and a writing and reading comprehension about global warming.
I got to know two stundents from Brazil and one nice guy from Mexiko. They are all very friendly people!
Then, Kierra picked us up by bike and we walked home. We watched some tv and then, her mother picked us up because Kierra needed some new dance shoes (she dances 4 different thingd like tap,ballet,ukraine and jazz.)
You know what I was really excited about? They have a big dance school in the close neigbourhood and Kierra wrote a mail to the boss asking him if I could join the ballet group!! :)

Anyway, we went out with the dog again and had some pasta and a cupcake *-*
I spend the entire evening with Kierra! we had so much fun!!! And I already learned a lot from her like for example counting to ten in Korean, japanese, ukrainese(?)..yeah and she taught me how to box :D and we stretched together!! She is an amazing girl!

Yeeah...and in the night, suddenly, a deer was standig right in front of our house at the street!! :o

Lockers *-*

The early Bird :D

Haha Hey everyone! Today in the Morning happened the funniest thing! My mobile still has the german Time and i had a wake up call. And guess what? I got up At 2.30 and had a cold shower :D gosh i feel so silly!! I just Hope my Host mum didn't Hear me that whould be sooo emberassig !!! :s

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Arrived!! *-*

Heey guys! Guess where I am now! YeƩeah I'm in Canada! After a long, hard and exhausting journey I am here!! :) The flights were okay we flew over 12 hours. But then, we had the last small flight....gosh that was the smallest plane I've ever seen! 20 seats!! Amazing!! *-*

Well my host mother and sister picked me up and there was a girl from thaiwan who's also going to be my guest sister.( I'm sharing my room with her). She is pretty shy but nice. And my "real" guest sister is so awesome!! She is so polite friendly clever etc! :) I am just SO happy to have her as a sister! She also gave me a friendship neglace (she has the same): Cute right`?

But the funniest Thing was After i got into the very American Family Car and they turned in the Music they began To Sing extremely loud and ist sounded really coool!! :)

The house and the area is great and beautiful :) we went shopping for food and then had a walk with the dogs. Cookie is my favourite! He is soooo small and sweet! *-* In the evening we went to the doctor with kierras feet.

I'm sorry but I have to sleep now I'm up sice about 40 hours now!

I will put in some first photos for you anyway!

Ahh and the best thing is that my mother and kierra Spend almosen every Holiday in mexico and they want To Take me there *-* aaaand  we will go to victoria the next weeks for shopping and to Nanaimo :D

                                         my mum
mandy and my room

                                         das Bad :O
                                         my little kierra :)

Saturday 25 August 2012

Last days :)

As you guys may know tomorrow is my last day in Germany... Yesterday I finally got a photo of my host mum and sister! *-* they look so friendly!
I just finished to pack my bag and empty my room. That really feels strange!

Well next time I'm blogging I will be in my new room in Courtenay! :D

xoxo Maddy

Saturday 18 August 2012

short Informations :)

Well....time runs terribly quickly know! In 9 days I will go to Hamburg and in 10 days I will be THERE :D Gosh that's amazing!
Okay I just wanted to give you some informations where I will spend my next year! My host-mother lives with her daughter (12) in a nice house and they have 2 dogs (cookie and Rascal-cute right?! *.*) and 2 cats (Mio and Smoka). Yeeeah...I will go to the Mark Isfeld Secondary School. Luckily, this school is located 10 minutes by foot from my house. My new family members are very sporty and they do a lot of different sports like dancing  (*-*), golfing, yoga ,etc.

You will hear from me the days ;D

xoxo Maddy